Challenge Accepted ?

Variable is something most of us dislike in the field of mathematics…

But it’s not that worse , if we try to imagine it the other way around…

In the mean-time, I came across this stunning problem,

√{x √(x  √[x ……  ])}

It goes on until forever …

By the way , here’s a better way to understand it :


And you need to find the simple and lucid solution ! ( a bit complex )

So here’s the solution :


I've made use of images to make the conceptual understanding easier...

The first number that utters through the mouth is 1, and is right for x , infinity is also right, but does it have a value?

I challenge you to find another value for x !

Challenge Accepted  ?!!

Comments & Suggestions are welcome.

Shamoil Khomosi
Admin @ Fantastic Number

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