The Mystifying 73,939,133

Prime’s the case again…

73,939,133 Is An Amazing Number

This number, 73,939,133 is completely marvelous… It has a mystifying property…

If you keep on removing the last digit here , the resulting number shall be a prime at each step.

That means ,

♤ 73,939,133 is a prime ( original number)
♢ 7,393,913 is also prime ( removed 3 )
♡ 739,391 is again a prime ( removed 3 )
♧ 73,939 is a prime as well ( removed 1 )
☆ 7,393 is a prime likewise ( removed 9 )
♤ 739 is further a prime, again ( removed 3 )
♡ 73 is over and above all a prime(removed 9 )
♧ 7 is now obviously a prime !!!

Note That  : This is the highest number that is found till day with this amazing property.

Awesome and Fantastic Number !

Comments & Suggestions are welcome.

Shamoil Khomosi
Admin @ Fantastic Number

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